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Panasonic VCR VEQ0910, VEQ0935, VEQ1100 replacement remote control of another appearance

TESTING Replacement remote control for PANASONIC VCRs: Models in remote control details. Read more ...

13.4 € (59.4 zł)
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Code: X0976#ns124
Explanation of this replacement remote control:

The replacement for the original Panasonic remote control for this device is the branded EMERX PReDATOR remote control (in right), which has a different appearance (color, button layout, etc.), but the same functions as the original Panasonic remote control. We offer the EMERX PReDATOR remote control as a cheaper alternative to the original remote control or because this original remote control is no longer manufactured. You do not have to program the remote control sent by us in any way. It will be set up exactly for your Panasonic device, while retaining all the features.

Before using the remote control, insert new batteries and press the device selection button (eg TV, VCR / DVD, SAT, AUX - depending on the type of your device.). The remote control also has a simple manual that illustrates the features of the original Panasonic remote control.

Service available

The remote control allows you to control up to 3 other devices. In addition to this remote control for Panasonic allows you to program another 3 devices of any brand and model which we have on offer.

This means that it is possible to control up to 4 devices (eg TV, DVD, SAT, home theater). If you are interested in this additional service, please write down the models of other devices in the order note.

Price for programming 1 device is: 2 EUR.


Tento dálkový ovladač nahrazuje originální dálkové ovladače  PANASONIC: VEQ0910  VEQ0935  VEQ1100  VEQ1110  VEQ1122  VEQ1141  VEQ1148  VEQ1211  VEQ1254VEQ1312VEQ1389VEQ1430VEQ1539VEQ1570 Ovladač můžete použít pro tyto modely videorekordérů: X12A NVD410 NVF55 NVF65 NVF70 NVF75 NVF77 NVFS100HQ NVFS200 NVFS88EG NVFS90 NVHD100 NVHD101EO NVHD410 NVHD460 NVHD670 NVHD700EG NVHD90EO NVHS800 NVHS900 NVJ30 NVJ33NS260lub NVJ35NS260lub NVJ37 NVJ38 NVJ40 NVJ41 NVJ42 NVJ45HQ NVJ47 NVL10 NVL15 NVL20 NVL21 NVL23 NVL25 NVL28 NVP04R NVP2U NVSD20 NVSD207 NVSD44 NVV8000EI

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Ordered Products
Quantity Name Price
Panasonic VCR VEQ0910, VEQ0935, VEQ1100 replacement remote control of another appearance 13.4 €
Delivery and payment Price: 0.0 €
Total price: 13.4 €

Programming of other devices

We will program another device into the purchased PReDATOR remote control. We can program only the devices we have on offer. Ask for other devices. You can control with one remote control two devices, TV and SAT or DVD and TV. Write the model of other device in the order note.


Write the models which you want control: