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Sharp 32FH8EA, 40FH2EL, 43FH2AE, 55FL1EA, 55FL1KA, 55FN1EA, 65FN7EA non-original remote control


BASIC FUNCTIONS ONLY. A different look replacement remote for Sharp. 32FH8EA, 40FH2EL, 43FH2AE, 55FL1EA, 55FL1KA, 55FN1EA, 65FN7EA, AN21012UM001, AN2107265, AN2110123, AN4512C2UM007 40FH7EA

12.2 € (54 zł)
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5.9 €
Code: Xsenior_0976#shwrmc0137n
Explanation of this remote control:

The ideal remote control for seniors, children and anyone looking for an easy and simple remote control. The remote control will come to you already programmed for your model.

Just insert the batteries and it works

Only basic functions can be controlled: On, Off, Volume, Programs, Inputs, OK and EXIT. On request, we can program the switching on and off of another device (Specify the model in the note in the order.) For example, if you buy a remote control for DVB-T, we will program another button to turn on the TV. TXT button on our senior remote control will be work as POWER/OF TV.

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Witam, wracając do mojego wcześniejszego zapytania o pilot dla seniora do Sharp 40FH7EA,przy zamawianiu wskakuje w podsumowaniu pilot zastępczy z funkcją Netflix, nie dla seniora, nie wiem czy zamówienie będzie prawidłowe, i czy pilot z linka będzie działał

Bohumil Vesely
Jeśli pan zamówi ten pilot, otrzyma pan od nas pilota dla seniorów.
Bohumil Veselý EMERX team


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Ordered Products
Quantity Name Price
Sharp 32FH8EA, 40FH2EL, 43FH2AE, 55FL1EA, 55FL1KA, 55FN1EA, 65FN7EA non-original remote control 12.2 €
Delivery and payment Price: 0.0 €
Total price: 12.2 €